God is the health of my countenance


God is the health of my countenance

For I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God. [Psalm 42:11]
Do you wonder why people look at you strangely, as if there’s something about you that they can’t quite understand? They may even say aloud, “There’s something I don’t get about you”
But of course, how can they understand the glory of God that’s on you and shines through you? A few weeks ago one of my colleagues walked up to me and demanded, “Who are you… really?” I looked up and responded, “My name is Francis.” He asked again, “What are you doing here?” I replied, “I have a franchise here.” Then I realised he was shunning me. He won’t respond when I greeted. Also that I catch him giving me strange looks. The more I thought about it, the more I realised that there’s something he could perceive in me, but doesn’t understand. Is he disturbed by it? Well, I know I’m not a criminal, and just going about my own business. So, I concluded that what he sees must challenge something in him.
I know in the morning I step boldly but humbly into the presence of God. By the time I’m done reading and praying there’s a glow of His glory that adorns me. David recognised this and he said, “(God) is the health of (his) countenance” [Psalm 42:11 NKJV]. David had the Spirit of God in him. When he praised God in spite of his situation, there was a glow that emanated from him. He called that ‘health.’
Don’t let your situation affect the health or glow of your personality. God is in you. In your worse circumstance, do like David…praise Him. People around won’t even know you have problems. They’ll only perceive the glow of God and wonder who you are.

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Photo by 3Motional Studio
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