His name is our safety


His name is our safety

The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” [Proverbs 18:10 NIV]
In a world where life is unpredictable, and trouble can raise its head at any moment, we need a place of certain safety. But where can we find it? Proverbs 18:10 tells us that place is in the name of the Lord. Isn’t that good news! Well yes, but not for everyone. The only ones privileged enough to access it are the righteous.
The safety of the name of the Lord is not accessible to those who deny that name; those who dishonour that name; those who refuse to believe in that name. To such there is no access to true safety. But to all who believe and receive that name – the righteous, there is the assurance that it doesn’t matter what life throws at us, there is a place of safety to run to.
“Today” has its own issues. Some may be expected, and therefore be prepared for. However, whether expected or not, let your place of safety and protection be in God. Don’t wait for the unexpected to happen before running to it. Reside in the name always and maybe you might not need to run because you’re already safe inside it.
Lord Jesus, thank you for your cross. By it we have access to our God and to His name. For by believing in you and what you’ve done for us we have become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We can therefore boldly call on that name in times of need, and we shall be saved. Today I call on your name as I enter into the unknown situations and circumstances ahead, and I’m assured of your help and my safety. Thank you Lord… amen.

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Photo by GĂ©rard PITOIS
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